The House of Voice helps you get from where you are, to where you want to be.
It is important to HOV that students have a great understanding of their instrument – the only way this can be achieved is through instrumental lessons and education centred around the individual, their learning styles and abilities.
How Lessons Proceed
Drawing up the instrumental learning plan
Setting your instrumental goals according to where you are currently. Goals are set in the areas of instrumental development, mindset outcomes, artist development and performance.
Laying the Foundations
This involves learning basics, clearing any unwanted habits and laying down secure foundations and technique. Integrating the necessary technical structures to advance.
Building your instrument
Evolving it to its greatest potential which is a unique journey for each instrumentalist at HOV. Involves learning about instrumental technique and theory, hand placement, co-ordination and execution through variety of techniques, methods, analogies, visualisations, body mapping and awareness exercises unique to training at HOV.
Other Areas of Focus
- Learning to operate in new technique: Which includes demonstrating and coordinating the techniques learnt and getting them to work together efficiently and effectively.
- Enhancing your playing, including stylistic tools required, polishing, improving your musical agility/flexibility and developing your unique voice and expression through the music.
- Adding additional features to create the artist: Music theory, song-writing tools, improvisation and stagecraft.
- Presenting your instrument: includes honing performance as an artist/singer and presenting to an audience through a variety of HOV opportunities or your own gigs/musicals/performances and/or tours.
What HOV Students Will Learn
- Instrumental technique
- Structured learning which is goal based
- Music theory in relation to playing and becoming a better player
- Anatomy of the body relevant to instrument.
- How to integrate visualisation techniques to improve playing
- Increase your understanding of your instrument so that you can make better musical choices.
- Teaching you to teach yourself, rather than always being at the mercy of outside assessment
- Awareness training
- What individual patterns and habits exist that are influencing your playing
- How to know which tool to when advancing your instrumental skills easily and effectively
- How neurological and scientific advancements in instrumental playing can advance your playing also

Understanding the Body
With extensive education in instrumental technique, HOV provides musicians the opportunity to gain skills as a musician – improving technique and artistry.
HOV maintains a fun, holistic and interactive approach to instrumental training, educating students in technique, instrumentalist education regarding the body in playing, awareness training and how to develop your sound and voice in your instrument with little effort.
Straying from the one size fits all approach, HOV has a strong emphasis on the individual, focusing on musicians key strengths, eliminating inefficient habitual patterns and developing individual programs to set musicians on the path to becoming their best!